Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 35

volume Number : 10
number In Volume : 1
issue Number : 35

volume Number 10، number In Volume 1، ، issue Number 35

Compact mataphorical images OutSTandig stylstle feature of mystical prose texts (focusing on Abhar al-ūsiugūr, Asrar al-tawhid, Kashfal-asrār and Uddat al-abrār)

Maryam Nafeli (Author in Charge), Dr. Hossein Agha hosseini , Dr. Sayyed Ali Asghar Mirbagherifard


Although the imagery is one of the main characteristics of poetry, but it has applied in many mystical prose texts so that sometimes the language of some of these works tends to be the language of poetry due to the frequent use of various kind of imagery. The purpose of this study is to investigate the metaphor (as the major pillar of the imagery) and the images thereof in mystical prose texts and to reveal the position of such images in the stylistics of mystical prose texts. Extracting and investigating the metaphorical images in these three outstanding mystical prose texts, it can be found out that compact metaphorical images such as eloquent similes and various type of metaphor are of a special place in stylistic analysis of these, texts. The analysis of the specific characteristics of compact metaphorical images (eloquent similes and metaphors), along with statistical data, also investigating the images in terms of introversion and extraversion as well as studying the nature of the compact images in all three outstanding mystical texts are of other objectives of the present study.

compact metaphorical image , stylistic , mystical prose

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